rvm Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
archive_managerCreate (or update an existing) archive in the selected vault
archive_pathA configuration manager support class: Used to specify a unique subdirectory in the archive for each job (made up of archive_path_element's)
archive_path_elementA configuration manager support class: Used to specify a single subdirectory in a path of subdirectory names for a unique path under the archive directory for each job
catalog_managerCreate and maintain a directory of links to all archives on all vaults
configuration_managerKeep up with configuration settings for RVM and it's jobs
directoryRetrieve a list of pathnames that match a given wildcard path
errorAn error class
error_instanceInstance of a single error containing a descriptive error message and the location in the file that the error took place
estringAn extended string class
executeFork a child process or execute an external program
filestatusRetrieve information about a file or directory
filesystemRetrieve information about a filesystem
global_parserA configuration manager support class: Used to parse a configuration file from the perspective of a global context
jobHold configuration data for a single job
job_archiverArchive the paths associated with a single job
job_parserA configuration manager support class: Used to parse a configuration file from the perspective of a job context
job_path_reportJob report for an rsync run on a single path
jobs_reportAll job reports
log_managerWrite information to a log file
report_managerThe report manager
reportioSubmit or parse a job path report
rstatMap exit codes and signal numbers to verbose strings
rsync_behaviorA configuration manager support class: Used to map rsync exit codes to actions for rvm to take
safe_num< T >Safely manipulate numbers without worryiung about over/underflow error
simple_lockA simple locking mechanism
single_job_reportA single job report
subdirectoryRetrieve a list of files in a subdirectory that match a given wildcard filename
timerUsed as a stopwatch
timestampTimestamp object
vault_managerSelect, monitor, and prepare vaults
vault_reportVault selection and usage report
vault_stats_reportVault stats report

Generated on Tue Jul 1 12:11:13 2008 for rvm by  doxygen 1.5.1