rvm 1.08
archive_manager | Create (or update an existing) archive in the selected vault |
archive_path | A configuration manager support class: Used to specify a unique subdirectory in the archive for each job (made up of archive_path_element's) |
archive_path_element | A configuration manager support class: Used to specify a single subdirectory in a path of subdirectory names for a unique path under the archive directory for each job |
catalog_manager | Create and maintain a directory of links to all archives on all vaults |
check_output | |
configuration_manager | Keep up with configuration settings for RVM and it's jobs |
directory | Retrieve a list of pathnames that match a given wildcard path |
error | An error class |
error_instance | Instance of a single error containing a descriptive error message and the location in the file that the error took place |
estring | An extended string class |
estring_value | |
execute | Fork a child process or execute an external program |
exitstat | |
fdinbuf | |
fdoutbuf | |
filestatus | Retrieve information about a file or directory |
filesystem | Retrieve information about a filesystem |
global_parser | A configuration manager support class: Used to parse a configuration file from the perspective of a global context |
ifdstream | |
job | Hold configuration data for a single job |
job_archiver | Archive the paths associated with a single job |
job_parser | A configuration manager support class: Used to parse a configuration file from the perspective of a job context |
job_path_report | Job report for an rsync run on a single path |
jobs_report | All job reports |
log_manager | Write information to a log file |
ofdstream | |
report_manager | The report manager |
reportio | Submit or parse a job path report |
rstat | Map exit codes and signal numbers to verbose strings |
rsync_behavior | A configuration manager support class: Used to map rsync exit codes to actions for rvm to take |
safe_num< T > | Safely manipulate numbers without worryiung about over/underflow error |
simple_lock | A simple locking mechanism |
single_job_report | A single job report |
subdirectory | Retrieve a list of files in a subdirectory that match a given wildcard filename |
table | |
table_cell_base | |
table_cell_estring | |
table_cell_table | |
timer | Used as a stopwatch |
timestamp | Timestamp object |
estring_value::value_type | |
vault_manager | Select, monitor, and prepare vaults |
vault_report | Vault selection and usage report |
vault_stats_report | Vault stats report |